10 Reasons Why Your Business Need a Website

January 6, 2016

Written by: Infotyke

In today’s competitive world, running your own business smoothly is never an easy task, there are many ups and downs to go through and your to-do list is certain to never end. This said you should never use any excuse to take shortcuts when it comes to having a robust online presence and visibility. Keeping this in mind, consider these ten reasons why a professional website is important for your business.


10. First Impressions Matter

Let’s face it – today people Google before visiting any shop, visit online review before making any purchase. That’s why you should have the best first impression. Through your website, customers are passing judgment and make their decisions whether or not to take your services.


9. Keep up with the Competition

By failing to have a website, you may find yourself steadily losing business to competitors who have made effective use of a great web design. While you may doubt the validity of the need for a website the likelihood is that your competitors have embraced the potential and are making use of the round the clock advertising.


8. Tailoring to Customers 24/7, 365 Days a Year

Studies have shown that many people conduct their research on potential products and services online before using it. By failing to have a website, you are failing to promote your services within a huge proportion of the market. There are several different time zones that may indeed affect your business, that’s why being online makes it time convenient for everyone.


7. Reach New Markets with a Global Audience

Being on the web, you aren’t that a simple local small business anymore, you can effectively business across the world. Undoubtedly, the Internet is the best way to trade both nationally and internationally.


6. Better Customer Service

By giving answers to customers’ queries on your website, information and sales requests can be processed instantly and automatically. Using a contact form people can directly request a quote or any other information even at midnights.


5. Present a Professional Image

For a small or new business, a well-designed website is the best way of instilling self-confidence and looking superior to what you actually are.


4. Websites are Great, Affordable and Expandable Advertising

Whatever you’re promoting – products, services, or just yourself – a professionally designed Website is a great way to do it. Websites are like catalogue/brochure that is easily produced, updated, interactive and quickly distributed to the people looking for them.


3. Collect Useful Information and Generate Valuable Leads

Through your website, you can use forms and surveys to collect information about your customers and prospects. This information can be further used to maintain a relationship with clientele.


2. Offer Quick Gratifications

We at iNFOTYKE believe that people have a hectic schedule and don’t like to wait for information. Through websites, businesses can give them what they want, and moreover when they want.


1. No Website = No Business

By now it’s very much clear that if you are not having a website, you’re indeed missing out on good possibilities for customers to know who you are and the services offered by you. This said it’s better to have no website than to have a bad website. Though no website means missed opportunities, a bad website can certainly be worse as it makes your business appear bad.

We at iNFOTYKE know what it takes to make a business successful, and thus help businesses to mark their entry into the new digital business world.

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Get in touch with us today and let’s start transforming your business from the ground up.

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